Welcome to Fall in South Alabama!



Keep Your Property Fire-Safe: A Fall Checklist for Fireplaces and More

As autumn ushers in cooler temperatures and cozy fireside evenings, ensuring your property meets fire safety codes becomes crucial. Fireplaces, in particular, can pose risks if not properly maintained. Here’s a quick guide to help you keep your home safe and secure as we approach fall.

  1. Schedule a Professional Inspection

Before you light the first fire of the season, have a certified chimney sweep inspect and clean your fireplace and chimney. Creosote build-up, a byproduct of burning wood, can create dangerous chimney fires. An annual inspection ensures that your chimney is free from blockages and structural issues.

  1. Check for Proper Clearances

Ensure that flammable materials like furniture, rugs, and paper are kept at least three feet away from your fireplace. This simple step can prevent accidental fires. Verify that your fireplace’s screen or glass doors are intact and in good condition to contain embers and prevent sparks from escaping.

  1. Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are your first line of defense in case of a fire. Test them monthly and replace batteries annually. If your alarms are more than 10 years old, consider replacing them entirely. Ensure that alarms are installed in key areas, such as hallways outside bedrooms.

  1. Use the Right Fuel

Only burn seasoned hardwoods in your fireplace. Softwoods like pine can cause excessive creosote buildup. Additionally, avoid burning trash, cardboard, or treated wood, as these materials can release toxic fumes.

  1. Maintain Fire Extinguishers

Have a fire extinguisher readily available in the area where you use your fireplace. Ensure it’s rated for wood, grease, and electrical fires. Check the extinguisher’s pressure gauge monthly and replace it if it’s expired or has been used.

  1. Create a Fire-Safe Zone

If you have children or pets, set up a designated area around the fireplace that’s off-limits. Use a sturdy fireplace gate to keep them at a safe distance from the flames and hot surfaces.

  1. Be Mindful of Burning Season

During high wind conditions or drought periods, avoid using your fireplace to prevent the risk of sparks igniting nearby vegetation. Always keep a close eye on the fire and ensure it’s fully extinguished before going to bed or leaving the house.

Preparing your property for fall doesn’t just mean checking off your to-do list—it’s about creating a safe environment where you can enjoy the season’s warmth and coziness without worry. By following these steps, you’ll keep your fireplace and home in line with fire codes and ready for a safe, enjoyable autumn.